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Monday, January 16, 2012


There she is....Imogene!!! Isn't she lovely!!! She's my first ever "nice" camera and also the first thing I ever got to name that didn't call me mom. Now I realize ownership of Imogene doesn't bring all the love that only a child can bring, but on the flip side the only thing about Imogene that ever needs changing is her battery pack...or I guess a lens...heck there is probably a whole slew of other stuff. But I am such a newbie that I shall remain blissfully unaware of them until such time as I read it in my "camera for dummies" book that sits on my nightstand calling out to me...Yes it's technical, and therefor hard for my non-techie brain to compute but I will do it for her sake., Because that's what people who name things do right...they read the manual:)

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